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the Psalms,
the Shroud,
the Light

"Show us Your Face"

Purchase Your Prayer Light
3D Printed Image of Shroud of Turin

Our Story


Forty years ago, our father had a calling.

Today, the Wise Still Seek Him


The Shroud

shroud  \ ËˆshraÅ«d \  noun (1)

2: The dress of the dead; a winding sheet

...with a man's image on it


The Science

mys·â€‹tery | \ ˈmi-st(É™-)rÄ“ - noun (1)

Definition of mystery

1a: something not understood or beyond understanding



Did you know the Holy Shroud image is so unique that the image converts directly into a 3D Face that can shine on you!? 

Quad Mosaic Ventral Torso 72dpi.jpg

©1999 Barrie M. Schwartz Collection, STERA, Inc.

All images on this site are the property of their original owners.
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