Jesus' Face printed directly from His Shroud using a 3D printer
This was our father's dream.
In 1978, Kevin E. Moran saw the Shroud of Turin in a science magazine and marveled at the image's authenticity. Could this really be the Face of Christ?
Kevin’s engineering career spanned 60 years in industrial research and product development, including patent submission for inkjet printer technology 20 years before its time, but he was best known for his theory in image formation on the Holy Shroud. Thirty years of studying the image with scientists from all over the world challenged his abilities and strengthened his belief. His research on the Shroud brought him great delight as his love of engineering, science, optics, history, and faith came together while working with people nationally and internationally. His wife of 50 years supported his research and travels with the Shroud, and his seven children eventually caught the “light” of the Psalms and the Shroud.
NEW! The Gracious Guest Show -
“Let Your Light Shine”: Shroud of Turin Art | feat. Julie Medearis & Sheila Stevens - YouTube
NIGHT LIGHT (noun) - \ˈnīt-ˌlīt \
Definition: a light kept burning throughout the night

There are more than seven places in the 150 Psalms where the ancients asked the Lord to "Show us Your face" or "Let Your face shine on us". The VP-8 Image Analyzer was Kevin’s favorite method for educating people on the innate 3D properties of the Shroud’s image. A concept in late 2015, using the G-code from the 2-dimensional image on the Shroud to produce a 3-dimensional printed object led up to the design of the prayer lights and Kevin’s final mission to spread the gospel through arts & education. With creative motion from his children, Let Your Light Shine Art has been creating handcrafted 3D printed prayer lights, ornaments, and suncatchers of the image on the Holy Shroud of Turin since 2016.
We are proud to offer this light to shine in the darkness and cast hope upon the world as we know it today.

Lucent in Tenebris ... on MORAN family coat of arms.
Latin for "They shine in the darkness."
John 8:12 - Once again, Jesus spoke to the people and said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life."